How many days does it take you to detect a cyberattack?


Did you know that globally there are 720 million digital hack attempts every 24 hours? And that 53 per cent of companies with up to 499 employees have experienced a breach in the last year?

Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) tend to believe they will not be affected by a Web attack. They think they have nothing worth stealing. But in today’s digital landscape, every organisation, large or small, is at risk of an attack.
SMEs in particular are increasingly being targeted with attacks. Cybercriminals view them as soft targets that have less sophisticated security infrastructure and practices, and an inadequate number of trained personnel to manage and respond to threats
The security magazine CSO recently found that by using automated attacks, cybercriminals can breach thousands of small businesses or more, making the size less of an issue than the network security. And with many SMEs insufficiently prepared for attacks, it’s no surprise that it can take on average 101 days to detect malicious activity.


Many SMEs are only beginning to realise how attractive they are to cybercriminals. Unfortunately, that realisation often comes too late: after an attack. Recovering from a cyberattack can be difficult and costly – if not impossible, depending on the nature and scope of the attack.

A recent study by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) helps to underscore how SMEs can struggle to survive financially following a severe cyberattack. The BBB asked small business owners in North America, ‘How long could your business remain profitable if you permanently lost access to essential data?’ Only 35 per cent said that they could remain profitable for more than three months. More than half reported that they would be unprofitable in under one month.
It can make running a small to medium-sized business a daunting prospect; a Konica Minolta SME survey highlighted that a third of business leaders stay up at night worrying about security of their data and IT systems. How can you arm yourself with all the tools you need to protect not only your company, but your customers, too? And at what cost?


It’s true – cyberattacks are costly, and getting ahead of them requires investment, both financial and in staff. It will take time to evaluate your systems and work out what is best for you. One way to minimise the threat of cyberattacks is to avoid adding to the number of vendors you manage, and therefore the number of alerts you must respond to.

Whilst larger corporations have the time and budget available to procure the best systems, SMEs often don’t have the resources to find what’s best for them, let alone manage it on a daily basis. Having one integrated system reduces the challenge for SMEs of having to identify what’s a real threat, and what isn’t.

Workplace Hub from Konica Minolta is such an integrated system. As an all-in-one scalable system, based on a robust and reliable infrastructure, it offers SMEs a level of IT security and sophistication traditionally associated with large enterprises only. This is because Konica Minolta knows that secure data begins with secure infrastructure, and so we found the best partners to help provide world-leading security for our customers.


Workplace Hub, in both its Hub and Edge solutions, utilises the HPE Gen10 Servers – ‘the World’s Most Secure Industry Standard Servers’. This bold, but backed up, claim from Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is founded on their unique silicon root of trust technology built into the hardware.

The chip-based silicon root of trust security mechanism provides a series of trusted handshakes from lowest-level firmware to BIOS and software, to ensure a fully functional system. In HPE’s unique root of trust implementation, the server essential firmware is anchored to the iLO 5 chip – an immutable fingerprint that verifies all the firmware code is valid and uncompromised. This bond guarantees that the server can only be booted if the firmware matches the fingerprint.


Remember that statistic of it taking 101 days to detect a cyberattack? As part of the managed IT services of the Workplace Hub, the security status is constantly monitored and updated. So for those rare situations where an attack gets through Workplace Hub’s robust server, the platform uses the Sophos XG Firewall to provide comprehensive next-generation protection that automatically blocks and responds to threats, exposes hidden risks and monitors what’s happening on your network. And all in real time.

Konica Minolta is fully equipped to manage the complex task of protecting your data and systems from malicious attacks. So you can check cyberattacks off your worry list.
Communication protocol for communication between two devices

When two devices are to work together, they establish a communication connection. To establish this and ensure it is working correctly, the devices briefly exchange status information on whether they are ready to operate. As soon the communication is successful, the actual process begins.

Focus Security

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How many days does it take you to detect a cyberattack?


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